Pengertian CSR Menurut Para Ahli, Manfaat dan Fungsi CSR Serta Contohnya

Pengertian CSR

Apa itu CSR? Pengertian CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) secara harifiah adalah respon sosial atau tanggung jawab sosial terhadap lingkungan sekitar yang dilakukan oleh sebuah perusahaan dalam bentuk berbagai kegiatan.

Kegiatan tersebut dapat dilakukan dalam berbagai bentuk, misalnya; menjaga lingkungan sekitar perusahaan, membangun fasilitas umum, meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat sekitar, memberikan bantuan beasiswa kepada anak yang dirasa kurang mampu, hingga memberikan bantuan dana untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat sekitar.

Pada dasarnya, CSR memang bertumpu pada suatu bentuk tanggung jawab perusahaan terhadap stakeholder yang terkait. Beberapa hal yang termasuk di dalam program CSR ini diantaranya adalah:

  • Tatalaksana perusahaan (corporate governance)
  • Kesadaran perusahaan perusahaan terhadap lingkungan
  • Standar bagi karyawan dan kondisi tempat kerja
  • Hubungan perusahaan dengan masyarakat
  • Investasi sosial perusahaan (corporate philantrophy)

Pengertian CSR Menurut Para Ahli

Lebih jelasnya, para ahli memiliki 3 (tiga) pengertian CSR, diantaranya adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Pengertian CSR yang pertama, yaitu suatu komitmen bisnis untuk turut berkontribusi dalam membangun ekonomi berkelanjutan. Pihak perusahaan bekerja dan berinteraksi positif dengan karyawan, keluarga hingga komunitas yang ada di sekitar perusahaan tersebut. hal ini tak lain bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup bersama.

2. Pengertian CSR yang kedua, yaitu suatu komitmen usaha yang dilakukan secara etis serta beroperasi secara legal. Disamping itu, perusahaan juga berkontribusi untuk peningkatan ekonomi yang diikuti dengan peningkatan kualitas hidup karyawan hingga masyarakatnya.

3. Ketiga, CSR memiliki definisi sebagai tindakan sosial, termasuk untuk peduli terhadap lingkungan hidup yang lebih dari batas-batas yang dituntut atau diharuskan dalam peraturan perundang-undangan.

Dari beberapa pengertian CSR yang sudah ada, CSR sendiri sangat berkaitan dengan pembangunan berkelanjutan (Sustainable Development) dimana perusahaan tersebut sebelum melakukan suatu kegiatan, harus berdasarkan atas keputusan yang tak hanya memikirkan atau terorientasi pada aspek ekonomi, melainkan juga harus memikirkan dampak sosial serta lingkungan yang bisa ditimbulkan oleh keputusan tersebut.

Kegiatan CSR secara tidak langsung akan menjamin keberlanjutan bisnis sebuah perusahaan. Hal ini disebabkan karena :

  1. Gangguan sosial akibat pencemaran lingkungan akan menurun dan perusahaan mendapat dukungan dari masyarakat setempat
  2. Pasokan bahan baku lebih terjamin untuk jangka panjang
  3. Keuntungan dari unit bisnis baru yang berawal dari kegiatan CSR yang dirancang oleh corporate

Manfaat dan Fungsi CSR

Fungsi CSR secara umum yaitu sebagai suatu bentuk tanggung jawab suatu perusahaan terhadap pihak yang terlibat atau terdampak baik secara langsung atau tidak langsung atas apa yang menjadi aktivitas perusahaan.

Adapun 5 pilar yang mencakup kegiatan CSR diantaranya adalah:

  1. Peningkatan kapasitas sumber daya manusia dalam perusahaan dan juga masyarakat
  2. Peningkatan ekonomi masyarakat di sekitar wilayah kerja perusahaan
  3. Terjalin hubungan baik antara corporate dengan lingkungan sosial
  4. Membantu memperbaiki tata kelola perusahaan
  5. Upaya pelestarian lingkungn, baik lingkungan fisik maupun sosial dan budaya

Tanggung jawab tersebut bisa dilakukan dengan memberikan perhatian lebih kepada pihak-pihak yang terlibat tersebut. Sementara itu, jika ingin mengetahui penjabarannya, setidaknya ada 9 manfaat atau fungsi dari CSR tersebut, diantaranya adalah sebagai berikut:

  1. Sosial Licence to Operate (Ijin Sosial untuk Beroperasi)
  2. Melebarkan akses sumber daya
  3. Melebarkan akses menuju pasar
  4. Mereduksi resiko bisnis perusahaan
  5. Mereduksi biaya
  6. Memperbaiki hubungan dengan regulator
  7. Memperbaiki hubungan dengan stakeholder
  8. Meningkatkan semangan dan produktivitas karyawan
  9.  Peluang mendapatkan penghargaan

Contoh CSR Perusahaan

Selain mengetahui dan mengerti apa itu pengertian CSR dan manfaat yang bisa diambil darinya, kini saatnya Anda tahu contoh dari CSR perusahaan. S

ekarang ini, banyak sekali perusahaan yang memberikan perhatian kepada lingkungan dengan melakukan beberapa program CSR. Dari sekian banyak perusahaan tersebut, setidaknya ada 3 perusahaan sebagai contohnya.

1. Pertamina

Berbagai program dilakukan oleh pertamina untuk memenuhi komitmennya dalam program CSR guna membantu pemerintah Indonesia.

2. Danone (Air Mineral Aqua)

Program CSR dari Danone disebut dengan WASH (Water Access, Sanitation, Hygiene Program) yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan lingkungan masyarakat pra-sejahtera serta berkontribusi secara aktif dan berkelanjutan agar permasalahan Indonesia yang berhubungan dengan penyediaan air bersih dapat diatasi.

3. PT. Sinde Budi Sentosa (Larutan Cap Badak)

Program CSR yang dilakukan oleh PT Sinde Budi Sentosa yaitu dengan melestarikan habitat Badak Jawa yang ada di Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon. Program tersebut merupakan kerjasama perusahaan dengan WWF Indonesia dimana Sinde berperan sebagai donatur dana.

Keputusan manajemen sebuah perusahaan untuk memberikan program CSR kepada masyarakat secara berkelanjutan adalah tindakan rasional. Alasannya, implementasi program CSR tersebut secara keseluruhan akan memberikan dampak positif bagi stakeholder dan juga kepada perusahaan.

Selain itu, dengan adanya CSR maka kesejahteraan dan kehidupan sosial ekonomi masyarakat di sekitar perusahaan akan lebih baik. Kondisi tersebut pada akhirnya akan membuat proses produksi dan pemasaran produk yang dihasilkan oleh perusahaan akan berjalan lancar dengan hasil yang maksimal.

How Social Media Marketing Can Make You Money

If you have a website that you want to promote, few marketing methods are as effective as social media marketing. By using social media to create relationships with potential and existing customers, you will strengthen your business. Here are some of the best ways to use social media for your marketing efforts.

If you are using Twitter to promote your business, it is vital to respond to your followers on a regular basis. Give people thanks when they mention you, and give them answers to questions they ask you. You will create a better relationship with your followers. This also helps your followers connect to you as a person, rather than a representative of a business.

Find out where your customers are getting their social fix. You can leave yourself twisting in the wind if you start a social media campaign that reaches none of your target audience. You need to know if your customer base will be reading blogs, are tweeters or perhaps, they Facebook often. Research is the key to maximizing your efforts.

Before developing a specific social media marketing strategy, figure out which social networking site you want to use. Each social networking site works differently, so it is important that your strategy will work with the site you pick. For instance, on Facebook you can create a poll, unlike most sites.

To help your customers help you spread your content, make sure blog posts have the right buttons to get easily shared. You can add Facebook Like and Share buttons, as well as Linked share ability and the Retweet button for Twitter users. When you have engaging content your regular followers like, they will spread it around the internet, hopefully drawing more followers to you.

Be prepared to make mistakes in your social media marketing. Mistakes happen, and you need to view the mistakes you make as learning experiences. There could be a post that offends some niche group, or a typo that sheds a negative light on your company. Handle the mistakes professionally and quickly and learn from them.


Be careful if you are considering using a marketing company for social media. For starters, their black hat techniques are often seen as spam and will degrade your reputation. They will create fake social media accounts using automated bots, proxy servers and even websites like Mechanical Turk. Because these services use abusive tactics, your message is generally not seen by too many real people, as the view counts are fake and the fraudulent accounts are generally terminated fairly quickly.


Ask people to “LIKE” your Facebook page everywhere. Ask on your Facebook page, on your website, in any advertising, and in your brick and mortar stores. The more individuals “LIKE” your page, the more they will spread information about your brand. This is a great way to increase business as well as your SEO rankings.

While social media marketing may be a simple concept in general, you still need to learn the complex statistical viewpoints and vocabulary. Many traditional SEO methods will apply, such as evaluation the ROI, placing meta-tags, and determining your publications influence. These may take longer to grasp than the general outline, but they are essential to creating a continually profiting business online.


Utilize RSS feeds. These all people to subscribe to your feed and have the posts go into their Google Reader account once your feeds are published. This makes your content accessible in an easy-to-access way for your customers. Make the button to subscribe easy to identify, so the whole process takes no effort on the part of those visiting your site.

Marketing with social media can be a great way to get people to notice you and your website. Use these tips to build a stronger presence on social media sites, so that you can begin to improve your sales. Make sure to use these tips before the competition does!

Influence of Situational Leadership Styles on Subordinate Development

As we know that the situational leadership theory proposes that a leader needs to change his/her leadership style as per the situation and environment. Leaders also need to consider the level of their followers; to decide on a particular leadership style. Let us now try to explore, whether the leadership style practiced by the leader influences the subordinates at all and if they do then how does it happen?

In the organizational context a manager is not just a superior for his team of subordinates but is also their leader. This implies that as a manager he/she has to make sure that the subordinates are working cohesively as a unit to achieve department or function goals, and if a problem arises the manager has to step up and take the responsibility as a leader.

How would a manager ensure that each member and the team collectively are working towards that common goal? Sometimes, the contribution from each member is not equal, some are working and some are not, which often leads to imbalances and negativities in the team and work environment.

It is the leadership style practiced by the manager which to quite an extent is responsible for such a situation to arise. Every team has people who have different level of competence and commitment towards the work they do, some are pro-active and others need to be pushed. In either case, the role of the manager as a leader becomes all the more important where he/she needs to be flexible with the kind of leadership style they can practice with each subordinate.

Let’s try to understand the relationship between leadership styles and subordinate development in a little detail. Recall the four situational leadership styles identified by Hersey and Blanchard. They were:

  • Telling
  • Selling
  • Participating
  • Delegating

Now, have a look at the following diagram which depicts the development level of the followers based on their competence and commitment towards their work.

Development Level of Followers
So, which leadership style would be appropriate with each of these levels? A manager as a leader has to partner in the developmental journey of his/her subordinate. For a subordinate who is at a level D1, where he has low competence but high motivation, the leadership style could be Participative where the leader involves the subordinate and further motivates him to build on his competence to increase his/her effectiveness at tasks.

For a subordinate, who stands at a level D2 where he has some competence but lacks or shows inconsistent commitment, the leader can resort to the Telling style. In this case, the subordinate cannot be relied upon to complete the task without instructions and guidance. For the subordinates who fall into the category of D3 or high competence but variable commitment, the leadership style could be Selling as the leader would have to create a buy in from these subordinates to secure their commitment towards the task. Since they have the necessary competence to do the task, instructions are not required but such subordinates wish to see the value of the work they are doing to get committed to it.

And lastly, if the subordinate fall into the category of D4 where they have both high commitment and high motivation, the leadership style best suited could be Delegating, where the leaders need to understand, acknowledge and appreciate the competence and commitment of the subordinates and entrust them with responsibilities.

Leaders have to be aware of their surroundings and sensitized to the abilities and motivations of their followers/subordinates in order to be able to take effective decisions.